Meet Bethany

Hello everyone, I am Bethany, and I am a new volunteer starting at Phase. I am very happy to be undertaking my student placement at an organisation that has fantastic values and aims for young people while I complete my studies. I will be working at Phase primarily on Mondays helping with workshops, detached sessions and support groups in the local primary and secondary schools. I may even be in the office on some other days of the week topping up my hours helping with planning and preparing sessions. I want to ensure I use my time with the organisation effectively and see all aspects of Phase.
I am currently studying my degree at the University of Bedfordshire in Psychology and Criminal behaviour; I am in my first year and so far, have been loving every second… expect when I see the number of books, I must read each term. I have always been interested in why some people behave in the way they do when we are all living in the same world, how can one person’s life choices be so different to another person’s life choices. Before joining university, I was working as a team leader in hospitality and my time in this role consolidated my choice of getting my degree in psychology as I found myself always being the advice giver, first point of contact for help and naturally mentoring the team members who needed extra support.
If I’m not at Phase or completing my studies you will most likely find me with my family and friends, I love being social and spending time with like minded people. Whether that be a gym session with my sister, a day out with my parents or a cinema date with my boyfriend I love being around the people who know me best.
I am looking forward to seeing what develops during my time here at Phase, I anticipate lots of new skills and tools will be created for myself. I wish to have a positive impact on the lives of young people in Hitchin and ensure development of their wellbeing and resilience so they can have a bright future ahead of them.
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