August Wellbeing challenge

August Wellbeing challenge

Hello and Welcome to August.

We're hoping you had a great time being social last month and if you missed Rebekah's article on building relationships take a quick read now.

They say laughter is the best medicine.

The problem is we don’t do it enough.

Studies have shown that kids tend to laugh 3 times as much as adults. We need to be doing more.

Here are some facts about laughter

  • Humans laugh before they even learn to speak
  • Animals can laugh - Apes, dogs and even rats are just some of the many.
  • Laughter is contagious
  • You are more likely to laugh when you are with people you know
  • You brain can tell the difference between real and fake laughter

Your challenge this month is to laugh. Find things to amuse yourself. Share it with others.
For the next 31 one days make a list of two things each day that have made you laugh.

If you’d like to know a little bit more about the science behind laughter watch this - Why we laugh.

Here are some clips to get you started

So as school is out and the possibilities are endless, we hope you’re having a great time whatever you’re doing this month.