Welcome to Amanda and Donna. Kieran took sometime to find out a little more about them...... Tell us a little about yourself? AM: I a...

Welcome to Amanda and Donna. Kieran took sometime to find out a little more about them……

Tell us a little about yourself?

AM: I a married to Chris, who is a keen cricketer, and we have 2 children Claire 18 and Matt 16, I attend Walsworth Road Baptist Church, where I am a deacon for youth and children’s work. I enjoy taking part in triathlons, playing and coaching netball at Priory Netball Club. However, my favourite is running and I recently completed the Silverstone half marathon! We have a yellow labrador called Oscar who is always on the look out to steal food!

DW: I am a member of The Hub Church with my husband Tom, and I volunteer at the Humanitas charity shop in Hitchin (which I used to manage). I am a vegetarian and a proud dog owner and I love food, art, DIY projects, climbing mountains and daydreaming.

What one skill do you possess that will most impact PHASE?

AM: Organisation and planning skills - to try to keep Kieran in order… KM: Prayer needed;)

DW: I am really interested in the idea of emotional wellbeing – how to encourage this in the young people we work with but also as a staff team. I’ll be the annoying one in the office always wanting to know how everyone is feeling.

Why do you do what you do?

AM: I love helping PHASE to run more efficiently, thus allowing the rest of the team to get into school as much as possible to change lives!

DW: I want to see young people living life in all of its fullness even in the midst of difficult life situations or mental health struggles.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you have and why?

AM: Chocolates as a comfort food, books to read so I don’t get bored and my iPhone to keep in touch with what everyone else is doing. KM: And still working?! That’s commitment! ;) AM: Oh, I was thinking more facebook!

DW: Lots of books, my dog Buddy for companionship and a knife because it would be pretty useful.

What kind of workers would your best friend describe you as?

AM: Hard question, but I think someone who is reliable but sometimes a bit of a perfectionist

DW: A hard worker – determined and thoughtful

If you were left in the woods with only the items in this room, what would you build?

AM: First of all I would put the bin on my head for protection as health and safety matters!! I’d build a wooden table shelter, where I could eat the Choc chip cookies we take to HNB groups. 

DW: Using my genuine qualification in Bushcraft, Survival and Wilderness Living Skills along with my general resourcefulness and eye for design, I reckon I could probably build a whole village.

Which animal are you most like and why?

AM: A labrador - faithful and friendly (but not snappy!) KM: And stealing food like Oscar!!

DW: A cat because they can be affectionate and homely, but they also have a real sense of adventure and independence

If you could have any super power – what would it be and how would use it?

AM: To be able to fly - then I might not get stuck in traffic jams, which I find really annoying

DW: I would freeze time so that I can get more done in a day (and have time for naps)

Please feel free to drop Amanda and Donna a line to welcome them to the team!