The Christmas story

Friday 18th was the final day of term and one of the busiest for the Phase team - 2000 students, 6 assemblies across 2 schools and all before lunch time!

Over the last 10 years Phase have had the privilege to share with thousands of young people the message of hope that the Christmas story brings. Each year the team work hard to deliver this message in a fun and inspiring way. This year was no different! Our assembly was based around a game show 'Don't be tight, get the price right'
It involved student and teacher participation, fancy dress, lights and the all important game show music!

Team were asked questions and had to guess the right amount, with all answers being about the cost and excess at Christmas, such as, how much will the average family spend this Christmas on present, food and decorations?? £821

We crown a winning team, who get chocolate and then losers get a sprout! We then share about the hope at the very centre of this life changing story, how Jesus came as the gift to all mankind, to bring hope and light to our world.

We encourage everyone to take some time over the busyness of Christmas to stop and reflect on this hope, how we can share it, how we can be that hope and that this hope is not just for Christmas!

If you would like to know more about the work Phase delivers in schools, please do get in contact