
I really enjoy spring. I like winter too, but there's something about seeing the first trees in blossom and the first daffodils come out that I find really encouraging. Spring means new beginnings, new life, bright colours, and driving home from work in the evenings whilst it's still light! With the prolonged light and better weather seems to come a better and more motivated frame of mind.
Spring also means time to prepare to mark the ultimate new beginning, as we begin to look towards Easter. Some of us may have given things up for lent, others won't, but either way it is chance to reflect on the message of Easter. There are so many parallels between the Easter story and the coming of spring - darkness into light, the new life we see in the flowers and the animals. I can't help but think of Narnia, too, with the White Witch's curse weakening and the perpetual winter lifting as Aslan is on the move.
Spring inspires us to hope, to look forward to what is to come. So how about you? What inspires you about spring? What are you looking forward? Where do you need to see hope? Perhaps take some time to get outside (maybe wait until it stops raining!) and take in the beauty of spring as you reflect on what it means for you.