Souter Trust

We are very pleased to announce that the Souter Trust recently gave Phase a grant of £5000 in relation to our self-harm support work. With this money added to the other fundraising efforts, we are now over 50% towards our £15,000 total needed for the first year of this vital work. You can follow our efforts online.

This week the BBC News website highlighted the need for more work to be done in regards to mental health and especially young people's.
In the article, it said "that work was needed to cut the number of "unnecessary referrals", with a 100% increase in children and young people seen by child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) over four years."

Articles like this highlight the need for targeted work on these issues and are part of the reason Phase is passionately working towards developing its support services and also creating a range of preventative programs for the benefit of young people.