RISE course We have run the RISE courses in all 3 schools. Last year the 6 week course was run with ever year 9 student in The Priory...
RISE course
We have run the RISE courses in all 3 schools. Last year the 6 week course was run with ever year 9 student in The Priory School, one form at a time. This year we are running the course with year 8 in Hitchin Boys’ School and some year 11 groups at Hitchin Girls’ School.
RISE stands for Relationships, Identity, Self belief and Educated choices with the students taking part in creative activities to help them think through these different topics over the weeks. The picture above is an example of one of the exercises where they all get a tile each to decorate with what they think community is and what they can contribute to their community.
One student said ’RISE really gets you to think about yourself and how you live’ while another said ‘I now reflect on me as a person more often’.
The RISE course gives students the opportunity to think through who they are, who they want to be and how they can have a positive impact on their community. We are looking forward to continuing this course through the year.