
As the Phase team expands and our work and support for young people grows, we need to increase our capacity to match our output.
One of the areas that Phase really need to expand was our printing capability. Since our inception back in September 2002 Phase has lived with various inkjet printers, with the joy of having to turn the paper over for double side, expensive inks and the joys of basic print quality! :( This has meant that anything Phase needed to print in quality or volume had to be done externally which we all know is expensive.
We recently contacted Paragon, a leading printing and document solutions company to ask if they could help us out with a free printer and copier. Within 24 hours they replied to our request and keen to get Phase setup as soon as possible!
Paragon's support is worth over £1000 a year to Phase and provides us with the means to create high quality printed resources in house at a snip of the cost it is to do this externally.
Everyone at Phase is extremely grateful for the support and generosity of Paragon!