November Wellbeing Challenge 2018

We have finally reached the penultimate month in 2018 and if you feel anything like I do then this year has flown by.

A new month brings with it a brand-new challenge.

The focus of our challenge this month is all about reflection.

Normally the end of the year brings an automatic reflection on the year gone by. What have you been most proud of? What was your biggest regret? Your biggest challenge? What did you want to achieve but you didn’t? Rather than waiting until December let’s spend this month thinking and reflecting on the year gone by and your hope and dreams for the year ahead and beyond. 2018 is not over yet so we still have time to set goals, accomplish or begin to set in motion those things that could make a real difference in our lives.

Some reflection questions to get you started.

Maybe pick one a day and journal or discuss with loved ones and decide on one action to do as a result. Or maybe have a reflection session pick on or two days and use the time to think through the year then makes some decisions on where or what you want to do next.
Rome wasn’t built in a day so remember to take your time. One task completed is better than 1000 things written on a list.

  • Am I using my time wisely?
  • Am I taking anything for granted?
  • Am I putting effort into my relationships?
  • Am I looking after myself physically and mentally?
  • In a few words or phrases, describe how you are presently doing.
  • How have you experienced God lately?
  • What has been life-giving? What has been life-draining?
  • What things are presently occupying your mind and heart?
  • What are you most passionate about?
  • What fear did you overcome this year?
  • What needs to change? What can you do about it?

There are 100’s of self-reflection/ year-end reflection questions on the internet. If you don’t like these maybe have a search for something more suitable.

Happy reflecting