May's Photography Challenge

What I love about photography is that it allows you to press pause on a specific moment of time and save the atmosphere, sights, feelings and all the senses from one moment using no words. I did the photography challenge for Mays wellbeing challenge and I was given a word for each day and had to use it to capture something from that day. You may have been following my May photography adventure on our Phase Instagram and other social medias but if not here are a few of my favourites:

This is a tricky challenge especially nearer the end as we often don’t consider the things around us in the middle of a crazy busy day where you are rushing from one place to the next in between lessons and revision and so on! When scrolling through photography pages on Pinterest I kept coming across the phrase “adjust your focus’ and as the days went by that became clearer and clearer. Taking the photo was the easy bit , the tricky bit was changing what you are focussing on in the day. Once the focus has shifted the rest of the worries of the day become lifted as that word is your focus. That’s not to say that you don’t pay attention with the tasks of the day you just open your eyes a little wider.

This challenge taught me a lot and gave me great opportunities:
• It gave me excuses to meet up with friends

• It gave me excuses to just go on walks and explore

• It taught me that taking a break is sometimes just what you need

• It allowed me time to reflect on the meaning of words and why they can be relevant to my life today.

This is a brilliant challenge and I encourage you to just take a look around you once in a while and capture it. Capture the worlds beauty, your friends, a lovely view or even a photo of a fab meal you made. You can collect these photos and put them up somewhere or in an album or collect them up to create part of your emotional first aid kit as Sasha was taking about a couple of months ago. This goes for any creative outlet, giving yourself something else to focus on helps to escape the stresses of everyday life.

Molly Rackham
Phase Ambassador