LV= Supporting RISE

Masks created by students showing that there is more to them than others see.
Phase received £200 from locally based LV= in support of our RISE project, this came from their community support committee.
Over the past academic year hundreds of students across Hitchin have been through our 4 week course looking at key topics of relationships, identity, self-belief and how all of this impacts the choices we make.
During the course we get each student to write a letter to themselves that we give back to them 6 months later. In this letter we encourage them to think about the person they would like to be in 6 months, maybe set some goals or things that they want to try harder at. We gather up the letters for safe keeping. Over the past week, I have returned over 80 letters to students. It is fantastic to see their faces and to hear them sharing that they have achieved some of the goals they had set and that it has inspired them to try harder with the others.
One student said 'This has really encouraged me to keep on aiming for my goals, the Rise course has helped me understand myself and who I want to be'.
You can help Phase to deliver the Rise course to more students next year, just £5 will provide the materials for one student, you can donate online