How well do you know the Bible?

Perhaps you've read the Bible from cover to cover, maybe you have a quiet time every day - or maybe you've never so much as opened the Bible before. It might be that you believe that every word of the Bible is direct from the mouth of God, or don't believe a word of it - or anything in between.
We know that it can be hard to stay disciplined with reading the Bible every day. We know that it can be a tough read - there may be parts you find it hard to agree with, even parts that seem to contradict each other. We also believe that it is an incredible book, full of truth and life and the amazing story of God's plan to rescue us, and that it is well worth taking the time to get to understand it better. It's a lifelong journey - you'll be finding new meaning for the rest of your life, and we believe that it's one of the ways that God can speak directly into our lives.
At Holding Nothing Back, we want to set you a challenge for this academic year. Whether you have been to Holding Nothing Back before or not, whether you have ever read a word of the Bible before or not, whether you believe in God or not, we would love to journey with you through the Bible this year. We're up for wrestling with the tough bits, laughing at the bizarre bits (like when a guy gets stabbed and is so fat that the sword gets lost!) and exploring how on earth God's story can fit in with ours (spoiler - it really does). We're even up for a good old debate.
There are lots of Bible in a year resources available, but we think that the Read Scripture app by Crazy Love Ministries is a really good one, and that's the one we'll be using. We'll be watching some fab videos that really explain the context the Bible is set in - we've learned loads just getting the sessions ready.
So, are you up for the challenge? If so, download the app (or get out a good old paper Bible) and come and join in. We meet in the Learning Leaders room at HGS on Tuesday lunch times and in A14 at TPS on Wednesday lunch times. Bring your lunch, we'd love to see you there. If you go to HBS and want to join in, get in touch. We don't have a group meeting at HBS at the moment but you can still join in and we'd love to hear from you. And if your school days have been and gone, then join us in the challenge regardless and support the young people in your churches and families as they journey with us.