Hitchin Youth Trust

Phase are excited to announce that we recently recevied a grant from Hitchin Youth Trust to support our Creative Space drop-in programme.
We are extremely grateful for the continued support from Hitchin Youth Trust. Grants enables Phase not just to continue the programme but expand it so that more young people can come, enjoy and beneifit from the creative activities that promote growing and improving positive coping strategies.
Bethany Murray, one of the Creative Space volunteers said *'This grant is really exciting, the young people have expressed interest in doing some different and creative actives involving photography and film, this money will mean we can now start these
One of the regular young people that attends said 'This is proper good news! Creative Space is such a help to me. Thanks Hitchin Youth Trust!'
Hitchin Youth Trust are a locally based charity supporting youth in the area, their main purpose is:
Distributing money for young people’s activities in Hitchin and its Rural Communities.
Hitchin Youth Trust said are 'We are pleased to be able to support organisations like Phase, we are committed to supporting young people in Hitchin and its rural rural communities.'
If you are a young person or local organisation working with young people across Hitchin then please contact Hitchin Youth Trust to see is they can support your work.