We hope you’ve had an amazing Christmas and new year break.

Out with the old in with the new, no we're not getting rid of Kieran, we just want to introduce you to some new and exciting things that will be taking place on the blog in 2017.

Wellbeing Challenge

Towards the end of last year we decided to, ok I forced everyone to but they enjoyed it, take part in a wellbeing challenge of the week. We tried all sort of things like gratitude lists (if you missed Donna’s article on it you can read it here), acknowledgement Jars, making sure we ate our 5 a day and we were drinking enough water. Some of those challenges inspired the articles I wrote and shared with you. But this year we’ve decided (I’ve decided) that we going to do a challenge a month. We’d love for you to do this with us because we recognise sometimes it’s easier if we do things together. Our challenge for this month has already started click here to see what is it & look out for a post towards the end of the month from someone in the team telling you all about how they have been getting on.


Each month there will be a topic that we focus on, that we hope will inspire, bring to your attention and sometimes even challenge the things we might be taking for granted.

Watch this space

This is where we will give you a sneaky peak into something that is going on behind the scenes at the Phase HQ

What’s been happening?

This is where we will fill you in on something that has taken place over the last month. Bringing you an update or snippets of things the Phase team have been involved with.


We recognise that we don’t have all the knowledge so every now and then we’ll be having a guest take over and share some tips, tools and insights on things.

That’s all from me for now, I look forward to catching up with you over the coming year.

Phase is a charity which is dependent on donations. Text MAKE05 £5 to 70070 to donate £5 and help us provide support to young people

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