Happy New Year Hitchin

Where do we start then, friends?! There’s so much to say but we’ll keep this brief.

Phase knows that the start of 2021 has been difficult and upsetting, to put it mildly. You may be experiencing anxiety, stress and worry for many people in Hitchin (and of course further afield wherever you are). Schools are closed to most pupils, exams have been cancelled and teachers are getting back to grips with online teaching, supporting students remotely, advising parents and pupils about exams and assessments and sorting testing arrangements for when schools return. We also know that you are not seeing as much of your usual support network and it’s hard being on your own or at home so much.

We hear you – we know you’re under pressure.

Here’s how Phase can help:

Online mentoring – if you are a young person in Hitchin, struggling to deal with what’s happening, or losing focus, or just feeling overwhelmed, then get in touch with us and we can offer free online mentoring. This will help you by listening to your worries, reflecting back a bit to helping you organise your thoughts, and if you want us to, we can help you put a plan in place for tackling what’s on your plate. Contact office@phase-hitchin.org if you want more information or to sign up. Likewise, if you are a parent or teacher concerned about a young person.

If you are a parent have a listen to our podcast series about parenting in lockdown. There’s some great tips from friends of Phase about how they are handling online learning, having the children at home, juggling work and school, etc.

Phase online courses and resources for young people and adults: the Phase YouTube channel has some short films on a whole range of topics. We offer practical tips and actions to help young people, parents and teachers handle difficult situations. Topics include anxiety, mindfulness, returning to school and growing your resilience. We know you might be short on time, and most of these are under 10 minutes long so definitely worth a look.

In December Kieran shared some fantastic ideas for coping with a lockdown Christmas. All of what he said about looking after your mental health and overall wellbeing are so relevant for this lockdown. Read his ideas here.

Most of all we want to say that Phase is working hard to continue to support schools and young people in Hitchin. Our programmes have been redeveloped so that schools can deliver them virtually. We are supporting many young people via virtual mentoring and can make capacity to support more if they come forward. We are liaising with secondary schools to offer our support for the return to face to face. We are praying for everyone.

Just. Keep. Going.

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