Happy Easter
Yay chocolate eggs.๐ซ๐ณ
Yay time off school or college. โ๐
Yay bank holidays/ 4 day work week.๐ฆ๐
But is this all that Easter is about. For Christians, Easter is all about the death, burial and resurrection (coming back to life after being dead) of Jesus Christ.
This week I've been scouring the internet trying to find a suitable resource to help explain or share the Easter story and here's there thing I could decide on one. So I thought I'd let you decide for yourself.
- Why Easter - a website dedicated to all things easter. Explaining customs, traditions and the Easter story.
- Read scriptures' videos - Luke 19-23, Luke 24- an animated retelling of the last week of Jesus' Life
- This one from God Tube which focuses on Forgiveness
- or this animated one which is really good for younger children - Jesus' Sacrifice.
However you choose to spend your days this Easter holiday, we wish you a safe and restful one.