Exciting news!

In 2017 we ran the pilot of our Phase Ambassador programme, and this academic year we have been working on getting the full young leadership programme up and running. Our young leaders have helped us in all kinds of ways so far including exhibiting for Phase, leading at Time Trek, and helping to plan events. Along the way, they've been learning new skills that will stand them in good stead as they grow into leadership.
We are delighted to tell you that we have recently received a grant from Allchurches Trust, which will enable us to buy equipment to promote and run the programme as well giving us the opportunity to grow and develop the programme. We are very grateful to Allchurches Trust for their support - watch this space to see how it develops!
Do you attend secondary school? Think you might have what it takes to be a Phase Ambassador? Get in touch at ambassadors@phase-hitchin.org!