Daily worship in schools

Do you remember having daily worship at school? The secondary school I went to did this through having a 2 minute silence at 8.40 every morning during registration time. We were often given a thought for the day, probably to try and stop us from drifting off to sleep. It was well observed by students and was nice to do at the beginning of the day but was very much up to students to make of it what they wanted.
There is an ongoing debate about whether a daily act of worship should be a part of every students day, which you can read about in this BBC article.

What do you think? Should it be compulsory? What could worship in a school setting look like?

We spoke to Molly, a student at Hitchin Girs' School and asked her what she thinks about assemblies and Phase delivering these, here are her thoughts:

The moment I realise that Phase will be leading our assembly there is a feeling of excited expectation, you always know that you will come out of the assembly feeling excited and motivated to do something!

Assemblies are not always engaging and often the last thing you want on a cold wet Thursday. However, during the Phase assemblies, everyone engages, they create an atmosphere that encourages everyone to pause and reflect, something that I know I do not do as often as I should

Phase is passionate about helping young people explore life's big topics and aims to engage them with relevant stories, illustrations and ideas that make them think and reflect on who they are and the role they can play in our community.