

They came, they saw, they conquered!

We have been raising funds for our work with the young people across the town by arranging a 240km run - completed in just 24hrs, non-stop through the day and night at Archers Gym.

The heroic runners from local companies, schools and charities stepped up and actually made 251.8km in the time and have raised hundreds of pounds in the process.

There were 11 runners in total with people running 4, 3, 2 and 1 hours slots over the 24hrs. At one point the crew had to find cover for a runner who could not make it due to an emergency but due to the power of social media managed to get someone in with 20 minutes to spare!

David Alvarez, Director of AZ Autos ran 4 1 hour slots and sponsored the event, David is also so keen to help Phase that he will be running the London Marathon for Phase - so this proved good training.

David said: "Phase approached me about this extreme challenge, I am taking on the London marathon and Barcelona Ironman all in aid of Phase and the great work they do with young people across Hitchin, as soon as I heard about this challenge I could not resist getting involved and doing all I could to make it a success. AZ Autos were proud to have been able to back the event and Phase a charity."

Maria Archers Gym manager, Jane Marland and HRJ Foreman Laws also sponsored the event - which was massively appreciated by all at Phase.

Jane said "It was a pleasure to get involved with this tough challenge in aid of Phase - and for HRJ Foreman Laws Solicitors to offer sponsorship support - all of which was to raise funds to help young people in Hitchin. As a parent, and solicitor at HRJ Foreman Laws, I’ve met many parents and children who have benefitted greatly from the support they have received from Phase, so we’re always keen to help them continue working closely with the young people in our town."

Another runner, Ellie Scott who teachers at Hitchin Girl's School said:

"As a teacher at Hitchin Girls' School I see first-hand the positive impact that Phase has on our students and on the school community. As a keen runner myself, i know how important physical health is to everyone's overall wellbeing and this challenge was a great way to raise money, profile and encourage everyone to push themselves."

It's not too late to add your support - you don't need to break a sweat just visit: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/Team/240in241 and make a donation to the team.

You can read The Comet article here